Der Blog zog um

Wenn du hier bist, bist du sowieso schon auf der richtigen Seite gelandet.

Ich habe meinen Tumblr Blog von auf dieses Seite umgezogen. Aus zwei Gründen: Erstens ist Tumblr eher ein Microblogging-Dienst und ich hab eher wirklich laaange Posts geschrieben, was nicht ganz dazu passt. Und zweitens: Wenn ich mit meinen Gewerbe schon Hosting anbiete, dann dacht ich mir, wäre ne eigene Seite auch mal ganz nett 😉 und warum nicht den Blog auch noch übernehmen?

Die alten Posts vom Tumblr habe ich umgezogen, dabei habe ich einige technische Anpassungen gemacht, so z.B. alle Reblogs per Tumblr-Embed eingebunden, und jedem Post einen Titel gegeben, da das unter WordPress so besser zu verwalten ist; ansonsten sind die Einträge inhaltlich identisch.

Alles neue kommt aber nur noch hier hin. Und es ändert sich auch eins: Ich blogge voraussichtlich nur noch auf Deutsch, da kann ich mich einfach besser ausdrücken. 😉

Danke fürs Lesen!

Zurück am Blog

Lange Zeit hab ich diesen Blog nun ruhen lassen und jetzt den Endschluss gefasst, ihn mal wieder etwas aufleben lassen. Mit Gedanken oder Erlebnissen, die mich beschäftigen oder zu denen ich inspiriert durch andere werde. Und es wird sie auch in Deutsch geben, da manches in der Muttersprache einfacher ausgedrückt werden kann. Oft sind es auch nur schnelle Gedanken, die nicht bis zum Ende gedacht sind und sich auch durch andere ändern können. Deswegen war es mir wichtig einen Rückkanal zu schaffen. Man kann die Posts jetzt direkt auf der Blogseite kommentieren, mit der “Ask me anything”-Funktion könnt ihr Fragen stellen, sowie über alle anderen Kontaktwege eure Meinung dazu abgeben. Ich ermutigte euch dazu!
Ich bin gespannt, was ich nun aus diesem Blog mache, und vor allem, ob ich länger durchhalte.

Back to the blog
I have not taken care about this blog too much, but now I have decided to start it up again. It’ll be a mixture of thoughts and experiences, that I encounter or been inspired to. I’ll also start blogging in German (usually without a English translation). Some things can be said better in my native language. Sometimes you’ll read some brief thoughts I did not evaluate too much and that can be changed by others. Therefore it was important for me to create options for a two way communication. At the end of every blog post you are going to find a comment box or you can use the “Ask me anything”-Link to address what you want to ask/say. You may use any other form of contacting me as well. And I encourage you to do it!
I’m excited and looking forward to what will happen with this blog, and if I manage to keep it alive longer this time.

My new social media focus

I know quite a lot of people: About 450 of them made it into my contact lists. But do we really know each other? They might know me from work, from school, from church, are part of my family or met me somewhere on my life journey. But other than that part of my life, most of them have never got the chance to experience the full Patrick.

This is something I’ve been thinking of a lot quite recently and had to realize that I was not really enabling anything, that allowed more to happen. So while also trying to give a more genuine picture in real life,  I want to use the tools of social media additionally to give you access to these insides.

I looked at my current usage. Just now Facebook turned 10. I had a profile there for 7 years, but it does not feature that much. Pictures are pretty limited, a few status updates here and than; some thoughts, quite a lot likes but not too much more.

Also, I limited myself to Facebook at some point. So I tried to fit everything there is into that site; although there might be other, better tools to use. For example, Facebook posts should not be used for things as big as blog posts.

So what I am basically doing now, is I am starting to use accounts on other social media sites (again) to channel different types of information detail:
I use Twitter for my brief messages and activities. If a picture says more than the 140 characters, you might find it on Instagram. My Facebook Timeline will be more focused on highlights, things I want to share with bigger audiences and remember. As I did not want to start a real blog – I do not have that much to write (yet) – I chose this tumblr for everything that needs a bit more space as well as things that make me wonder (and there are quite a lot of those) or other stuff I want to put a small focus on. Also, you might ask me any question you like to.

So, be prepared, that in the next weeks my profiles will undergo updates, get more content and get more and more active. However, I won’t commit to anything regular or schedule-driven posts. This is not to produce content, it main goal is to reflect myself, my thoughts and events. Just as various life events come and go, my posting will be changing constantly. And as these posts don’t write themselfs; there might also be less, when other things get more important.

But depending on whatever you are interested, you can choose to follow me on all or only some of the specific services and determine yourself how much you want to take in.

So, here we go: Welcome to my new social media journey!

I hope we get to know each other better on the way. Also I’m really looking forward to get in touch with some old friends again. And maybe also get the chance to get to know someone new?

Let’s see how it goes. And if all this internet stuff isn’t your thing (or even if it is), remember there is also a real-life, offline version of me, that would love to meet you in person 😉